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Remote guarding

Remote Guarding: A Cost-Effective Security Solutions for Multi-Family Communities

Apartment complexes and HOAs face unique security issues due to their size and constant flow of people. Keeping residents safe and secure while protecting the property can be complex and expensive. This article will explain what Remote Guarding is and how it benefits multi-family communities.

What is Remote Guarding?

Remote Guarding, also called virtual guarding, is a security system that uses cameras and trained professionals to monitor properties remotely. Unlike traditional systems with passive monitoring or occasional patrols, this offers real-time surveillance and fast responses.

Watch this video to see Sting Alarm’s Remote Guarding in action.

Benefits of Remote Guarding in Multi-Family Communities

Cost-Effectiveness: This approach is a cost-effective alternative to hiring and maintaining on-site security staff, which can be expensive and less efficient. It reduces the need for round-the-clock personnel and minimizes costs associated with security incidents.

Preventing Trespassing, Loitering, and Illegal Dumping: One of the primary advantages of this system is its ability to deter trespassers, loiterers, and individuals engaging in illegal dumping. The visible presence of cameras and the knowledge that a trained security team is monitoring the area act as powerful deterrents.

Identifying Dangerous Conditions: The system allows for the early identification of potentially dangerous conditions, such as fires, flooding, or structural issues. This proactive approach can prevent accidents and reduce property damage.

Preventing Fraudulent Claims: With a detailed video record of events, the technology can help property management teams refute fraudulent claims from residents or third parties. This documentation can be invaluable in legal proceedings.

Supporting On-Site Guarding Staff: For properties with on-site security personnel, this service serves as a force multiplier. On-site guards can receive real-time information and backup from remote security experts, enhancing their effectiveness.

Increasing Safety and Security: Residents of multi-family communities benefit from the increased safety and security provided by this method. Knowing that their property is under constant surveillance can significantly improve their peace of mind.

Increasing Customer Trust and Tenancy: Enhanced security measures not only attract new tenants but also retain existing ones. The sense of safety and security fosters trust in the property management team, leading to longer tenancy and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

How it Works

These systems typically include the following components:

  • High-resolution surveillance cameras strategically placed throughout the property.
  • A central monitoring station staffed by trained security personnel.
  • Real-time video feeds from the cameras transmitted to the monitoring station.
  • Analytics software that can detect suspicious activities and trigger alarms.
  • Two-way communication systems to allow remote personnel to communicate with on-site security or emergency services.
  • When an anomaly or potential security threat is detected, the remote monitoring team can take various actions, including contacting on-site security personnel, dispatching law enforcement or emergency services, and issuing audible warnings.

This technology has revolutionized security in multi-family communities, offering a comprehensive, cost-effective solution to various security challenges. Property management teams and owners benefit from its ability to prevent trespassing, loitering, and illegal dumping, identify dangerous conditions, prevent fraudulent claims, support on-site security staff, and increase safety and security. By investing in this innovative solution, property managers can build trust with residents, enhance property value, and provide a safer, more secure living environment for all. As technology continues to advance, Remote Guarding is likely to become an essential tool for safeguarding multi-family communities in the future. Get a free quote and learn how our Remote Guarding services can enhance your property’s security.