Consider This Before Getting Home Security Cameras in Las Vegas
Traditional Security Cameras in Las Vegas can only go so far. If you really want to keep your home protected, you will need to invest in the latest security cameras and devices. One of the reasons why smart home security cameras have become the go-to option for many homeowners in Las Vegas is because they provide real-time security, as in, they are able to alert the authorities of any suspicious activity around the house so that the authorities can then take action. There are many other good reasons why you should invest in smart security cameras in Las Vegas. Here are just some of them.
Plenty of Options
One of the best parts about home security cameras is that they come in all shapes and sizes, which makes it easier for you to find one that suits your security needs. For instance, homeowners can install smart doorbell cameras to secure the front entrance of their home and interior and exterior security cameras for more robust surveillance. Specially designed indoor 180-degree cameras come with 2-way audio for more efficiency and better control. There are also perimeter security cameras that are designed specifically for outdoor use and are fitted with a sturdy shell to protect the camera against the desert elements.
These security cameras in Las Vegas can offer 24-hour protection, with live monitoring by a remote security professional who can then alert law enforcement if they suspect any suspicious activities in or around the house. In this way, smart security cameras in Las Vegas offer far superior protection as compared to traditional security cameras, which were only useful for identifying the culprits after an incident has occurred.
Video Verification
Did you know Sting Alarm smart security cameras and 24/7 alarm monitoring can enable video verification for your property? This way whenever an alarm is triggered on your property, a live security monitoring expert can access your cameras to verify the alarm and immediately dispatch the police. This process is referred to as “video verification” and because Las Vegas has a “non-response” policy to unverified alarms, video verification dramatically reduces response times to any alarm event that occurs at your property. These smart security cameras are built with your privacy in mind and only allow alarm monitoring experts to access your cameras during an alarm event to provide video verification services.
Encrypted Security Cameras
Another major advantage of getting the latest smart security cameras in Las Vegas to protect your home is because they come with the latest encryption technologies. This ensures that the privacy of your home remains intact while you get the peace of mind you need while you’re away.
Thanks to end-to-end encryption technology, smart home security cameras in Las Vegas store footage and video clips securely and are not vulnerable to hackers who take advantage of outdated security cameras or vulnerable Wi-Fi connections. In short, when you invest in Sting Alarms security cameras in Las Vegas, you can rest assured that you are getting secure devices that have been built, with your privacy in mind.
Along with the latest security cameras in Las Vegas, homeowners can also enjoy other benefits from Sting Alarms security systems such as smart video analytics technology and cloud storage, along with 24/7 live monitoring.
Cloud Recording and Video Storage
One of the downsides of having outdated security cameras around the house is that they usually store the camera footage in a physical location, and since these storage devices can only store so much, traditional home security cameras are pre-programmed to delete security footage after a few days. This is a major disadvantage if you plan to go out of town for a few days since there is no way of retrieving the footage from traditional security cameras. On the other hand, modern home security cameras use the cloud to store video footage where it can be accessed anytime and from anywhere.
Another major advantage of using modern home security cameras in Las Vegas is that they are safe from being accessed or tampered with by hackers or criminals who want to cover their tracks. The live streaming video of your home is locked away in the cloud for access later on. Furthermore, Sting Alarm the premier security system supplier in Las Vegas, also offers the option of activity-triggered video recordings. This means the cameras can turn on when a sensor is tripped in or around the house for more specific recordings and surveillance when you are not around.
Smart Video Analytics and AI Detection
Smart security cameras in Las Vegas offer so much more than just a way for you to keep your house safe and secure. Smart home security cameras can nowadays detect what they are looking at using advanced AI technology. This basically means that the security camera will only alert you or the authorities of any suspicious activities if they detect actual human activity. This is a great feature to have since it means that the security camera alarms will not be activated every time your pet cat runs across the room. Furthermore, Sting Alarms home security cameras enable the use of virtual tripwires, along with motion zones for more specific activity detection and smarter surveillance.
Another benefit of the latest security cameras in Las Vegas is that they provide proof of suspicious activity to law enforcement, adding to their ability to take action and better safeguard our communities.
For more information take a look over our website, click on the “Free Consult” button, or give us a call at 702-737-8464 today. We have local & certified alarm technicians standing by to help design the perfect home security system for your needs.