Home Alarm Monitoring Services in Las Vegas
The chances of becoming a victim of property crime in Las Vegas are one in 35. Don’t panic, though. By using home alarm monitoring services in Las Vegas, you can lower your odds of being a victim.
In a market that is filled with low-quality devices and over-priced security service contracts, Sting Alarm will help you get state-of-the-art features and premium alarm monitoring controls at a price you can afford.
Regain Control, Monitor Your Home
Your home has unique needs. That’s why you need to get an alarm monitoring system that fits the unique needs of your home. From premium alarm monitoring to advanced motion detection and video verification, we can offer you the latest tech in home security automation and monitoring.
Our home security packages include Qolsys alarm panels with HD touchscreens, multiple wireless radios, and built-in cameras. These alarm panels enable seamless device integrations with many existing smart security systems. With the Qolsys alarm panel you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with keeping an eye on your home anytime, from anywhere.
Monitored Alarm Systems
A monitored alarm system is a valuable asset to any home in Las Vegas. With a monitored alarm system, an alert is sent out directly to a professional monitoring company anytime your home alarm system is triggered. It is then addressed by trained professionals responsible for providing the fastest available and most reliable response to any triggered alarm 24/7/365. The monitoring company will contact you to ensure you are aware of the alarm, verify the alarm, and dispatch emergency responders as needed when needed.
Monitored alarm systems ensure that even when you are not checking your phone for suspicious activities, your property remains protected. These alarm systems are a must-have for those who enjoy the occasional vacation or generally travel.
Video Verification
With typical home monitored systems, your home security company will not have access to your security cameras. However, if your camera and security system offer video verification, it can significantly enhance your homes overall security by shortening the response time of local law enforcement officials. Clark county is a no response zone, which simply means police will not respond to unverified alarms throughout Las Vegas.
With video verification, a professional monitoring company can access your camera’s security feed only after and for as long as an alarm event within your home is active. This can help the company find out in real-time if the threat is real thereby verifying the alarm and enabling local police to respond immediately. This significantly reduces police response times and even helps authorities catch criminals in many instances.
Door and Window Sensors
Sting Alarm also offers you smart, front-line defense in the form of door and window sensors. These sensors can detect if someone has entered your home. They can also alert you if a door or a window to your home is opened or closed when it shouldn’t be.
The system works by sending a text alert to you and the alarm company if a sensor is triggered. With doors and windows sensors, you can apply automation to activate cameras connected to your home monitoring system and find out who has set off the alarm. You can also check in on your home from anywhere in the world using your mobile device.
Motion Sensors
You can sufficiently cover all the high traffic areas in your home using just a couple of motion sensors. Any movement inside or outside of your home will be captured by the sensor which will send an alert to you and your professional monitoring service.
Motion sensors offer 24/7 watch over your home. They also come with pet-friendly features that can be adjusted to different sensitivity levels to filter out notifications from pets under 40 lbs. Hence, your furry friends won’t set off an alarm if they happen to trigger a motion sensor.
Home Environmental Sensors
Your home alarm monitoring services in Las Vegas should not just protect your home from outside threats. It should also protect your home from inside threats as well.
The most important type of home environmental sensors you can get at Sting Alarm are smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and water leak sensors.
Smoke alarms can send an alarm if they detect rapidly rising temperatures or smoke that could indicate a fire has erupted in your house.
Carbon monoxide detectors can sense the presence of high levels of deadly colorless and odorless gas in your home and send an alarm to notify you of the threat.
Water sensors can help prevent flood damage in your home, which is one of the most common types of homeowners insurance claims. A flood sensor positioned in the right place can detect leaks early on and help minimize damages to your home.
The Best Home Alarm Monitoring Systems in Las Vegas.
Sting Alarm is a leading home alarm monitoring service in Las Vegas. We understand that getting the best alarm systems for your home can be a challenging task, after all, there is a lot of overpriced and unreliable technology out there. At Sting Alarm, we offer the best customer service to help guide you through only the best solutions for the alarm and monitoring needs of your home.
Don’t spend another minute worrying unnecessarily, call Sting Alarm today at 702-737-8464 and check out our home alarm monitoring services in Las Vegas! Otherwise, click on the free quote button below.